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Mission Failure!! T_T

This morning ago, I really though I could finish up my measurement assignments and arranged everything in order. My group assignment is so particularly crazy as it covers so much things not only to measure but you must be keen on the small little details on each aspect of the drawings. I failed to arrange everything in order due to every members have a different format of excel. It's hard to make things right so I ended up just printing out my members work and just slit it in between the works whereby my front and back work is pretty neat while the middle part is a big mess of total loss. I wonder how much marks will I get for this mess up assignment. Pretty much gone case, but luckily it's only worth 10 marks out of my total. If not my subject is totally ruined. Hopefully the lecturer will be a bit bit closed one eye when marking my group assignment work. Well, I pretty much know my group mates work days and nights of endless sleep doing this assignment. I myself pretty much haven't sleep for countless night not just because of this assignment but some other assignments is haunting me down every nights. Hopefully this week I could be a little more restful compare to last week. Let just hope everything is going back the same thing it was. A pretty neat day having some time to blog here. Time to pen off and sleep. ZZZZzzz 36 hours of battle without sleep comes to and end. I wonder how many hours I will sleep today.

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